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16 things to keep in mind when teaching kids the Word

Why 16?  Because, it’s what I came up with.  Perhaps this will inspire you for tomorrow’s opportunity to give kids the Word.  

Here they are in no particular order:

  1. Pray
  2. Study so you’ll know what you’re talking about
  3. Have a plan. When you don’t - they do.
  4. Make the stories come alive
  5. Meet their level of intensity... and then, go beyond it a bit (or - a lot)
  6. Be animated with your body
  7. Be animated with your words
  8. Be animated with your voice
  9. Make eye-contact
  10. Get kids to respond verbally
  11. Get kids to respond by cheering
  12. Use kid-volunteers to help you
  13. Use visual aids
  14. Teach like Jesus (like one who has authority)
  15. Expect results - ask the kids for a response (See my blog series on Making Time for Response)
  16. Say “thanks” to God for the victory won

Making Time For Response - Part 7

Three Things That Might Help

Use Music

It can be live - someone playing a guitar, piano/keyboard or a live band.

It can be recorded music - I use iTunes. So, I have an entire playlist of Altar/Prayer Time Music. I’m a huge fan of Brian Dollar’s High Voltage Kids Ministries Products - their entire CD “Quiet Times for Kids” is on that playlist, along with music from a Randy Christensen CD called “A Time To Reflect” ...and a few of my own compositions (with help from GarageBand)

Either way, music will help to create a mood. It helps to “cue” the children that it’s time for prayer or a response. It can make kids feel comfortable when they don’t want other’s to hear what they are saying to God.

Eliminate Distractions

If kids are uncomfortable, they are not attentive. Make sure the room is the right temp. Close doors and windows to eliminate outside noise. Fix, replace or throw-out broken chairs or furniture. Anything that is distracting has the potential to pull kids away from recieving

Don’t Do The Same Thing!

Use a variety of ways for kids to approach a time to respond. Never make it boring or predictable. Here are few ways I've had kids respond:

  • Call the kids forward and have them kneel
  • Call the kids forward and have them stand
  • Call the kids forward and have them group-up and pray for one another
  • Have them pray, standing at their chairs
  • Have them kneel at their chairs
  • Have them stand on their chairs
  • Have them gather in groups to pray for each other in their rows
  • Have them move to each corner of the room to pray for each other
  • Have them gather around and pray for the leaders
  • Get them out in the hallways or different part of the church building to pray
  • Have them respond by singing a song together
  • Have them write something down and leave it at the altar
  • Get them to March around the room Jericho-style and shout praises

I think you get the picture here.