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And so it continues...

Whew - lots has happened since the last post:
Headed out to a church on a compatibility trip... yeah - just hang time with the Pastor, staff, see the area and to take in the church services to see if... well.. I am am compatible with the church and if the church is compatible with me.

For obvious reasons, I cannot give you a lot of feedback as to how things transpired. But I will offer this bit of info: I liked the church, the Pastor and the community a lot. My wife and oldest son will be going back there this coming weekend for an official candidating.

At the end of my stay with this church - I found out that my Grandpa passed away. What a great guy! An entire blog could be kept busy with stories of Grandpa Fred. So, I found that out on a Monday evening and flew home the next day. I walked in the door of my house at around 2:30 PM and headed out to get my oil changed. Came home to load up the family and we drove 12 hours to the Black Hills for all the funeral stuff.

We came home on Saturday -in time for me to prep for Easter. Then, just yesterday, we had our final service at the church we have been serving at.

"Whew" is right! Now we are finishing some packing to head out tomorrow to IL for a transitional move until we have made some final decisions.

HEY - Thanks for all your prayers!