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The "Evils" of Gospel Magic... AHHHHH!

I tell people all the time that I practice "the evils of Gospel magic..." I usually get laughs, sometimes stares and most times I get, "Yeah, uh, welcome to McDonald's..."

So this post I have included a great Easter Illusion that clearly illustrates the Resurrection of Christ. You get to make the prop (so easy - um, a caveman could do it...) so you can re-use it or make more. The utility prop has been coined "the Bag O' Plenty" by friend and fellow illusionist, Eric Reamer. Once the bag is made and you have experimented around with it a few times, you could make more and create all kinds of routines and lessons!

it's a free download with the same company that I publish my books through and put online:

Go Here for the Download and enjoy practicing the "evils of Gospel Magic!"

Why I Read Children's Ministry Blogs

Let me keep it pretty simple: I like reading children's ministry blogs. Why? Because it gives me insight into the worlds of children's pastors, from all over the world! I get a chance to see how a children's pastor in a church of 100 thinks... and how a children's pastor in a church of 20,000 thinks. At times I laugh with them, and I also cry with them. I get encouraged and I gain ideas and insight. Sometimes I disagree and I decide whether or not comment. I love the fact that blogs - from ministry people allows the rest of us to see your philosophy in ministry.

If you are a children's minister, and you blog - thanks! If you are a children's minister and you don't blog, consider it. It won't cost you anything but some time to tell us all what you are doing, what you think, share good news, bad news and ugly news. It would equip, encourage and amaze the rest of us.

Super Fans - Da Yoot Paaaastor

Any Bears Fans out there? As many of you have heard, my wife and I are in the process of finding a new church in which to take a children's pastor position. I have been asking all of the tough questions (Get Jim Wideman's Questions for Sr. Pastors if you're in the process of looking). Can I just say, without being disrespectful, It's funny to hear pastors try and make up answers over the phone. In an effort to create a seamless transition from one ministry to another I have inquired quite a lot about the youth ministries - and whether or not I could interview the youth or student ministries pastor.

Answers are mixed - some offer it up right away others are apprehensive. Why? Why do these pastors get uptight about me talking with their youth pastors? Is it because they are scared I will find out something about them, (the pastor) that they don't want me to know until after I am hired? OK - so, that's really a side-note, tangent kinda thing.

I am a strong believer in the idea that you should be a "Super-Fan" of the Youth Pastor or Student Ministries Pastor and you need to get him/her to be your biggest fan as well. Work, plan, play and dream together as a way to glorify God in your calling... together.

So, if you know of a great church, with winning youth ministry, that needs a children's pastor, and the pastor isn't intimidated by tough questions... send 'em my way!

I Might Change My Name at

Yesterday I said that I was thinking of changing my name (see the post from earlier). Whether people -especially kids should call me "Jamie" aka "Pastor Jamie" OR "Jamieson" (my given name) aka "Pastor Jamieson"

Well, now you can vote - I mentioned in the earlier blog posting that I should put a poll at kidology.or - at first I was kinda joking... But now, I've done it! Yeah, I'm posting the poll as something fun to read and do, but I really do want your input. Go to:
and vote. Sorry, if you're not a member, you will only be able to see the results - if you are a member, then vote and add your two cents!

Maybe I'll Change My Name

For years - since I can remember, I have asked people to just call me "Jamie". When in school I hated my first name, "Jamieson". I thought it was weird and I had never met anyone else with the same name. But, I had met a few "Jamie's" in my days as an elementary kid. On the first day of school, when the teachers would do roll call for the first time, "Jamieson Doyle?" I started about the 4th grade to just answer, "Just call me Jamie..."

As I got older I still introduced myself as "Jamie". Even on staff at churches, I have always been, "Pastor Jamie" Later I was surprised that many had no idea that my full name was "Jamieson". "No it's not!" some would reply. And I would have to quick-draw my driver's license to prove it.

My wife told me that when we get into a new church, that I should be original and get a fresh, new start. "Be, Pastor Jamieson," she's suggested. WOW, a name change! It would be kind of weird since, only a handful of people in my whole life have called or referred to me as "Jamieson" on a consistent basis. Is "Jamieson" more original than "Jamie" and would kids remember it? Is it a wast of breath and time to add another syllable?

Maybe I should post a poll at :) What do you think - "Jamie" or "Jamieson"?

Back in My Element

Well, It finally happened this morning at 10:00 AM. I was back in my element after an 12 month break. Kids Church! Yeah, I live for children's church. A Friend of mine invited me to come to his church and fill-in for his children's church while he filled the main service pulpit. All this week, I did some stuff that I haven't ventured into for a time, but it felt great. Preparing PowerPoint, writing the lesson, gathering the props, packing all the stuff... and then this morning - the set up , greeting the kids, kicking it off with a big start and a fun service was the end result.

I have been accepting bookings at churches for the next few weeks as a way to make an entry back into the world of children's ministry. (I will post on my website a speaking schedule page as well so you can keep up with where God has me going). As I said, I love children's church - it's my favorite way to pastor kids (after all to pastor means to shepherd - and to shepherd means to feed and care for the flock) so, I fed a group of kids the Word this morning.

It occured to me that, for the first time in 12 years, I am available to minister at other churches on Sundays! For the past 12 years, I have been on staff somewhere and just couldn't justify being away (even when my pastor said I could have several Sundays a year for outside ministry). The only times that I missed a Sunday for ministry was in the event of a mission's trip. Yep, this is a shameless plug. If you're interested in having me at your church for a Sunday, e-mail me and let me know.

In the midst of all of the above, we are also in the process of looking for a great church in which to fill the children's pastor's position - We haven't found it yet, but actively and aggressively looking (yeah, my resume - take a look) - I am, so pumped about that!