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Your Vision is a picture in your heart of what you see yourself doing, who you see yourself working with, where you're going, when particular things are happening, why you are doing it and how it's getting done in the ministry. Now the next step is to put it out there so you're not the only one with this great dream that God has given you. We worked on putting the vision into writing last posting. Now we need to let others catch it.

Here's a simple illustration that my good friend and one of my mentors, "Big" Dan Rector shares. I give it to you in my own words:

When Dan was young, his family took a trip out west. One of the stops on the trip was to Mt. Rainer in Washington State. When his family arrived to the place that was the best place to view the mountain, they were very disappointed. The fog was so thick that no one could tell where the mountain even was. Dan and his family even asked a man in a gift shop at the same location where the mountain was. The man chuckled and pointed the direction of the mountain. But, in between the people and Mt. Rainer was the thick fog. Disappointed, the family was about to leave when just them for a fleeting moment the fog lifted and in those few seconds of clarity, Dan caught a glimpse of the majestic place. That one look changed his feelings for that mountain forever.

All you need to do is get people to catch a glimpse of your vision and it may change their feelings about children's ministry forever. Do you need more workers? Then share your vision! Do you need to get your Senior Pastor excited about the things you are doing? Share your vision him. Do you want your family more involved in your ministry? Share you vision with them. Do you want to stay motivated about what you need to accomplish? Continue to share your vision!

In the next few days we will look at some practical ways and a few ideas that will help you put your vision out in front of your workers and the people of the church.