Recently we have been activating a new philosophy in ministry and it’s working… at least for us. We started looking through the eyes of the average churchgoer to see what they see when they look at our ministries – how do they view it and why? We saw that we looked desperate: Our recruitment method was to start calling people on the phone and saying “Hey, If you could help us out – that would be really great… any chance?” we would get reluctant “yeses” but only because they felt sorry for us. I decided to take it up a notch. Our current team began to draft job descriptions of the positions that we needed to fill. We put together sharp sign-up materials with - get this - requirements to be met. We started giving the perception that this ministry is valuable and you should be a part of it.
I thought about investors. If some guy showed up and handed me a sheet of paper and said, “Hey, I’m trying to get people to invest with my firm – here’s a little photo-copy of our information… what do ya say? Can you help me out here?” You or I would laugh out loud and tell the guy to get lost! But if some guy showed up with a portfolio of information that was top notch and said “I would love it if you would look through this packet – you’ll see that we are the top firm in this area. Check the list of requirements and see if you qualify…” the first thing we would do is open it up… find the list of requirements and see if we qualify.
What are you doing to add value to your ministry?