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Media Driven Ministry

I recently posted the following comment on media driven ministry over at: BTW if you are not a member of - I highly reccomend it. If you check out the entire topic, you will see that it is a rather spirited discussion with a great cross-sectoin of children's leaders from all over America... And, at times, all over the World! quote the Cars: "Shake it Up!"
Use the latest and greatest as well as tried and tested methods. I believe in the statement: "Everything works somewhere - but, nothing works everywhere."

Study your culture - the kids in your community. Find out what works. Be willing to change according to response and effectiveness.

The other day, my son and I were setting up for church (we meet at a school) I told him to roll the media carts off of the platform that we use for our kids' service. He grabbed the cart with the overhead projector on it and said, " we have this in our classroom at school."

"Oh, does your teacher ever use it?"

"Yeah - it's pretty cool Dad! You put plastic pages on it and it shines it up on the screen. You can even draw on it!"

I realzed that my son had never seen me use overhead transparncies (He's 9). I had written off the use of those things ten years ago!

I'll let you think about it - blessings!