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16 things to keep in mind when teaching kids the Word

Why 16?  Because, it’s what I came up with.  Perhaps this will inspire you for tomorrow’s opportunity to give kids the Word.  

Here they are in no particular order:

  1. Pray
  2. Study so you’ll know what you’re talking about
  3. Have a plan. When you don’t - they do.
  4. Make the stories come alive
  5. Meet their level of intensity... and then, go beyond it a bit (or - a lot)
  6. Be animated with your body
  7. Be animated with your words
  8. Be animated with your voice
  9. Make eye-contact
  10. Get kids to respond verbally
  11. Get kids to respond by cheering
  12. Use kid-volunteers to help you
  13. Use visual aids
  14. Teach like Jesus (like one who has authority)
  15. Expect results - ask the kids for a response (See my blog series on Making Time for Response)
  16. Say “thanks” to God for the victory won