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NEW CD - the BIG spin

Alright - it's about time!

For a number of years friends in the ministry have been asking where we get our background music. We use a variety from a variety of sources... but, my favorite background music is the stuff we make ourselves.

For the last few years, I've been using Apple's program GarageBand to create music for games, character entrances/exits, performances, multi-media presentations... really whatever we needed it for.

I've taken all the background tracks we've created over the last few years and put them all together on one CD. 22 royalty-free music tracks for you to use. Tracks 1-11 are samples and 12-22 are repeated as extended tracks. You can listen to the first track here.

Just go to the online bookstore and order it! And don't forget you can buy my other books as instant downloads too... I'm just sayin'.