This is hard work:
There are a lot of little details that need to be done in order to do this right. I am so blessed to have my wife as my administrative assistant to help handle all of these details. Let's remember an important principle: Anything that's worth anything will take time and hard work.
This is a process:
You won't get all of this done in a day - or even a week. If you do, please call me and I might hire you. This will take time... a lot of time... a lot of YOUR time. So, b impatient enough that you want to get it done - but have patients enough to know that you have to take each step separately and in some cases delicately.
This has to be deliberate:
Re-structuring won't just happen (come to think of it, no ministry administration ever "just happens"). Be deliberate about having a plan to get the process started. Be deliberate in communicating to your people that you are doing this whole thing. Be deliberate in working your plan. Be deliberate about pushing the process and keeping it going. Can I be any more deliberate about being deliberate?
OK - back to work... you can do this!
Restructuring is a bigger task then we realize mostly because our ever changing world hates change (weird, gotta blog about that)! The best thing I have found is to get a lot of opinions on what needs to be done, even the people you don't want to hear from. Some of the best ideas I have heard from people that I am sick of hearing ideas from (they do have a couple good ones). Also make sure to have some others helping you. My wife is a constant reminder for me when I am being to narrow minded. So when you get down to your little details make sure they work with the whole. Anyways my two cents, looking forward to more!
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